Unc-strengthening union negotiation culture in education


logo-ue-02The "UNC-STRENGTHENING UNION NEGOTIATION CULTURE IN EDUCATION" is a project authorized and financed by the European Commission and aims to increase skills and effectiveness in industrial relations and to strengthen education trade unions in participating in European culture and practice of social dialogue.

The project has been attended by the following national unions:
FLC CGIL-Italy, project leader, DLF-Denmark; FETE-Spain; UNSA Education-France; ZNP-Poland, VIZ-Slovenia and PDSZ-Hungary.
ETUCE took part as expert.

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PREPARATION PHASE. Collecting Information and workshop in Ljubljana

Questionnaires on the governance models of the education systems of the partner countries; organizational models of the unions taking part in the project and on the industrial relations were filled up by the unions partner of the project. The results were discussed in a seminar in Ljubljana. Furthermore, issues related to social dialogue, school autonomy and the role of bargaining at decentralized level were presented and discussed in-depth.

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Through the study visits to Madrid, Copenhagen and Warsaw issues related to the industrial relations and to the unions' organisational models were analysed and discussed in-depth. Meetings were organised with the unions and representatives of administration of the host country, at different levels.

madrid copenhagen varsavia
Madrid Copenhagen Warsaw
EVALUATION. Conference in Rome

The results of the project and the good practices in place to enhance the social dialogue were discussed in the final Conference in Rome.
ETUCE and EFEE explained purposes and contents of the social dialogue at European level. Furthermore, the working groups made proposals to enhance the cooperation between unions and the social dialogue.

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This project has been carried out with
the financial support of the European Commission.

Servizi agli iscritti della FLC CGIL
Servizi assicurativi iscritti FLC CGIL

Servizi e comunicazioni

  • 21 GENNAIO | Conferenza stampa Investire in istruzione e ricerca per far ripartire il Paese. Fondazione Metes, Via dell'Arco de' Ginnasi 6, ore 11:30. Partecipa Maurizio Landini
  • 23 GENNAIO | Incontro su tematiche precari Università. MUR, ore 11:00.
  • 30 GENNAIO 2025 | “Come favorire l’accesso all’apprendimento permanente: dalle buone pratiche alla costruzione del sistema”. Roma Tre, ore 16. Partecipa Gianna Fracassi
  • 14-15-16 APRILE 2025 | Elezioni per il rinnovo delle RSU (rappresentanze sindacali unitarie).
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